For the most part this is common knowledge. This is a basic 'do and don't' for the forums.
First, there are special moderators of the forums, that are ranked as such. These people are the only staff who may change the forum looks / design without asking or being asked. Now for the do's and do not's!
-Edit topics and / or profiles only if asked or the questioning profile / topic contains inappropriate content or sizing.
-Make sure to always alert the user of any changes.
-Post what has happened in the staff area.
-Consult a leading position and / or an alpha with any questions.
-Respect all users and staff {we are above no one.
{Do Not}
-Delete any topics, ever. If a topic is old, ignored, or incomplete, simply move it to the correct archive and alert the author of the change.
-Make changes without alert or forewarning.